今天看了四章内容(Testing, Profiling, HHVM-Hack, Community),其他都不提了,今天就提一下 HHVM 和 Hack。
php 是一种解释型语言这我们都知道,在将 php 语言转换成机器码时需要解释引擎,在以前,只有一个引擎,Zend Engine,后来呢,Facebook的扎克伯格在大学的时候开发了个网站,因为 php 开发快,所以他一开始就选了这个语言,后来大家也知道,这网站越来越大,公司在已有大量服务器的基础上,决定不再继续采购服务器了,而是改进这门语言的解释器,所以有了我们看见的 HHVM ( Hip Hop Virtual Machine ),据说是快了好几倍。
HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time (JIT) compilation approach to achieve superior performance while maintaining the development flexibility that PHP provides.
HHVM supports Hack, PHP 5 and the major features of PHP 7. We are aware of minor incompatibilities, so please open issues when you find them. HHVM also supports many extensions as well.